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Loved by our users.

Real people and real results. We’re proud to have supported our happy users towards their health goals, driving the outcomes that matter.

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Everything is different now. I feel better in myself, I look better, I move better. I feel more focused, more energised. It’s been so rewarding. 

It's helped me make a step change in how I live. Ultimately, it's about my health.

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It’s been hugely helpful having the regular check ins to review every week. That accountability from someone independent has been a game-changer.

It was exactly what I needed. It's been invaluable. I've lost weight, but really I've felt great!



I've loved being given a focus every week to look at tweaking and improving. It's been so helpful, I can't tell you how good it's been. It's helped me get things in perspective to think about wellness, instead of illness.

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Everything is different now. I feel better in myself, I look better, I move better. I feel more focused, more energised. It’s been so rewarding. 

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One of my overall goals was to be able to take pictures with my children. I took hundreds of pictures of my children but was never confident enough to be in them because of my weight. 

But since the program, I’m no longer shying away and now I’m in those pictures with them so that they'll now have photographs to look back on when they're older, I think that's massively important.

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It’s absolutely brilliant. I cannot praise it enough.

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Everything was practical and did actually achieve results.   

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It’s really been the turning point for me! Exactly what I needed. 

It's helped me make a step change in how I live. Ultimately, it's about my health.

I've loved my coach: the accountability, the knowledge and the real personalisation!

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It’s helped me to focus and prioritise myself and my health. The results speak for themselves. 

The one-on-one support is invaluable. Just knowing you can tap into that anytime.

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Before I felt like I knew what to do to lose weight, but was never able to stick to anything long-term enough to achieve a sustainable and healthy weight loss.

But the accountability there from someone who's independent has changed everything. It gave me that push I needed to look at things and to change things, and get into a new routine now that will stick. I’m making different food choices, I’m walking to work, going to the gym more. I’m feeling really positive for the future.

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I love the fact that it’s so one-to-one. It’s just so personalised. The accountabiltiy from the coaching has been so helpful to stay on track. And the knowledge! It’s been briliant! 

I have no desire to go back to how I was eating before, I just feel so much better now!

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I've thoroughly enjoyed it. It's been such a good journey and, I've obviously lost weight which has been great, but I just feel so much healthier and so much happier. I'm exercising more, I’m enjoying my food. It's all been so positive.

It's helped me make a step change in how I live. Ultimately, it's about my health.

It gave me space to prioritise myself. I feel like i've taken back control of me.



I’ve learnt just how powerful small, weekly goals can be - making them achievable, consistent and manageable with my coach. 

The one-on-one support is invaluable. Just knowing you can tap into that anytime.

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The biggest thing is that is didn't feel like a program I had to complete, but actually just a series of gradual changes that have really stuck.


I've built a new path that is healthy and helpful, that fits around life's ups and downs and is actually something sustainable. It's consistent progress and changing habits to become second nature.

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At the start of the program, I used to only go out running really early in the morning or in the dark so no one would see me. Now I’m happy to go out at any point, I’ve found my confidence and I feel very empowered. I’m running everyday and I’m so enjoying being active again.

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